Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter to all

Christ is risen! He is truly risen! Alleluia!
The biblical accounts of Jesus' resurrection highlight the centrality of the Incarnation. For Christians, it is not only the spirit of Jesus that survived death, not only his heart that lived on. He rose bodily. Biblical eyewitnesses tell us that the disciples had an initial difficulty in recognising Jesus who had passed through death. The scars on his hands, his feet, his side were visible to his close friends. His words and actions now had a more significant impact on them, enabling them to appreciate his resurrected state. They were experiencing him in a new way that was so difficult to articulate.
Jesus' wounds, his words, his actions testify to the permanent existence of human life and experience. Nothing is lost. Life with God begins anew, surviving even death itself. Indeed, "life after death" has a strong connnection with "life here and now."
Unfortunately people continue to suffer and to die.
Does it make a difference to those who do not profess Christianity? I think it does. In all our belief systems, death and life are inseparable. With faith and hope, we can all appreciate the Resurrection.
For believers, nothing is more powerful.
Alleluia... Happy Easter to all... Alleluia.

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