Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Beauty of innocence and a tired servant

This delightful photo of the granddaughter of a friend of mine
reminded me of the following experience. I had just completed
my 7th funeral service and the day was taking its toll on me.
I was worn out by obsequies. Could I go the extra mile? That particular day I had promised a grandmother, I would visit her grandson in hospital. I mustered the last ounce of energy I had within me to go to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at a nearby hospital. I went in with a smile and left floating on a feather.
Sometimes an awkward visit can regenerate someone.
"Welcome," one grandmother said to me that same evening at a meeting. "This is what our grandchildren do to us. The beauty of their innocence can lift a tired soul." She was absolutely right. That graced moment was "God's visit" to his weary servant. And what did this innocent child do to my fatigue?
Nothing and everything. Lying there, the neonatal nurse and I
looked at him lovingly. "He is alright now," she said, "He will
return home with his parents tomorrow."  So I prayed a short
prayer and lisened to the breath of his life. Here was I with 3
other innocent babies and a nurse, all scrubbed and clean,
afraid to touch just in case of any virus might be lurking in
this isolated and cloistered corner of the hospital. I left as
quickly as I came in: a short visit with a million graces.
   I remember the Heilsgeschehen - when God visits his people
through tragedy and triumph. The aim of every Christian or
for that matter any person of good will, is to recognize that
"event quality" wherein God does speak. I thought of that
moment when, after 7 funerals, the innocence of one child
reminded me of "God visiting" his servant.     (c) Ronaldo, 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Don Ronaldo,
    Thanks for sharing this beautiful story. You know God is with these little ones. Those little babes had no idea you visited, but God sure did and He blessed you for the gift you gave that family.
    You remind me of a moment this past week in which I experienced the presence of God in a broken and abused young lady. She is just the sweetest and most precious creature you want to see. She poured her heart out in testimony to the group and just crumbled in front of everybody. My God, my heart is hurting just thinking of it. When she got through and several of us just couldn't go any further because of the pain we felt, we just embraced her and just cried together. I didn't think it was possible to be hugged by 100 people at the same time! What a moment, I shall never forget it. Praise God for His grace in which He allows us to experience.
