Monday, September 19, 2011

A woman of joy and optimism #2: +Tante Eunice (1917-2001)

                                      +Tante Eunice (1917-2001) from Trinidad

"Be cheerful, my dear!" ("Allegramente, caro mio") the motto of the smiling Italian saint Philip Neri, equally echoed profoundly in the life of my beloved great-aunt Eunice.  Born of racially mixed parents, "Tante" was always proud of being a"true blooded Trini" reminding us constantly of our roots. Her mother was one of the few surviving indigenous Carib/Spanish people of my island home. She instilled in me: "Never hold any prejudices towards anyone because you have the blood of all races!" A "polisher" by trade, she tenderly stained, varnished and polished furniture for most of her adult life. She assisted her husband Rogers in creating all types of local candy to the delight of many. I can still picture her "joyful smile" as she trudged her way down the hill to surprise us with her bag of delights! Her hard work never made her rich. Her hands were rough worn out by hard work. But her heart was filled with love. She often said to me my hands were never destined for hard work, suited only for book knowledge.
Yet she rhymed: "Soft hands and an empty heart are worth nothing without God!" The simplicity of her faith and depth of her patience can still put me to shame. She traveled to our diverse families, "constantly trying to bridge, to mend and to reconcile." She was our peace maker. We were blessed with her presence. From her smile, few knew of her life of many hardships and trials. The Greek word "chara" describes one who is joyfilled and optimistic, never surrendering to despair! I hope an attitude of "chara" will keep us all afloat.
Yes, come difficulties and they will come! Yes, come joys and they will come as well! We should still remain optimistic in our faith, full of joy, full of "chara" like the early Christians who even in the face of death, "went away singing joyfully!" Tante's example reminds me of the words of Jesus quoted in John 15, 9: "My own joy may be in you and your joy will be complete if you remain in my love and commandments." Here is my second example of a woman of "chara." All of us, if we search deeply in our lives, have models of joy and optimism. "Eunice and Jele" are just two examples in my life.

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