Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mud and Miracle at Lourdes, France

Go and drink at the fountain and wash yourself!

                      On February 25th 1858, the mother of Jesus appeared to 14 year old Bernadette Soubirous at Lourdes, France. She was told to go and drink and wash yourself! She obeyed and went to drink at this beautiful River Pau. But that was not where she had been directed - "into the hillside and away from the river!" Bernadette described that the place the Lady had indicated was only a puddle of water, more like mud. She could hardly get a cup of water, far less wash herself there. The Lady was persistent and after 3 times scraping and scratching the ground, Bernadette was able to see signs of water! Some 2,000 years ago, Jesus invited Peter "to put out into deep waters" [Luke 5, 4] and even though there was ample water everywhere, Peter's faith was tested! God always calls us to our deepest places so that we may learn to trust in Him rather than our strengths. Scraping to get at the fountain truly challenged the young Bernadette. It was far easier for her to drink at this river Pau than to trust what was not visible to the eye. It is really hard to uncover healing from the deep and muddy mess in our
lives, sometimes threatening to drown us. The 16th century Spanish mystic, John of the Cross, speaks of these muddy experiences as "night - a terrible undoing!" For Bernadette, scraping at the earth must have felt like an eternity! Her fears had to go beyond ideas of "mud" or "darkness" which John described as sometimes our "only companion!" After the 4th attempt scraping the ground, Bernadette was finally able to see water. "I was able to drink it!" she described. Trust is the key word. The young woman in 1858 trusted in the Lady's words. God is always present to us not only in the muddy mess of our lives or in the struggle to keep our heads above water; but even more powerfully, when we stop struggling for control. The 14th century English mystic, Julian of Norwich, in describing her own experiences of the "mud" says: "... if we would see God as God who is continually with us, we would be safe in soul, body and come to no harm. Furthermore, we would have more consolation and strength than all this world can tell." After Bernadette's scraping at the ground, the spring began to flow and has never stopped. Thousands have been washed and healed.
After Peter's experience, his catch of fish was overwhelming. The words of Jesus were riveting. Peter abandoned his trade and became Jesus' right hand! "Go and drink at the fountain and wash yourself!" The ancient reminder of her son still holds true:  "Take heart, it is I; have no fear!" [Mark 7, 50]  Refer -(

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