Thursday, November 1, 2012

All Saints All Souls - November 1st & 2nd -

   The Feast of ALL SAINTS and ALL SOULS begin the month of November, celebrating the ancient Christian belief in life after death. As early as the 4th century, Christians revered the martyrs whose death for Christ, assured them of heaven. But what of others who did not have a heroic death for the faith or who did not live lives of virtue? We believe that after death, most souls undergo a time of purgatory/purification necessary to remove the effects of sin so that a soul can be fully united with God. Our prayers for the souls undergoing such preparation and purification are capable of helping them.
   Saintly men and women are examples of the life lived in the spirit of the Beatitudes which summarize how to live a meaningful Christian life. These are the people who should have plenty to worry about that Jesus points out as blessed. We give thanks for their lives - those who were kind, holy, considerate people who are now on the other threshold of life.
   "To be poor in spirit" is the very first principle they live out. It means trusting everything to God, the very requirement for genuine happiness in life. What we learn is that they adopted right attitudes towards God; right attitudes towards suffering in their lives; right attitude towards others. They teach us how to be patient, just, forgiving, chaste and peaceful people - this is what it means to be "Beatitudes."
   May this "Heaven's Hall of Fame," "All Saints," inspire us by the faith which unites us with them. We too may one day follow them in an eternal life of peace.
                                                                      PS: Our prayers & well-wishes go out to all those who suffered loss during recent hurricane Sandy! Having gone through numerous hurricanes in the Caribbean and Louisiana, the frustrations, I know, are numerous - time is a slow healer and normalcy returns gradually! Peace to family and friends living on the East Coast.

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