Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The beautiful is as useful as the useful.

"The beautiful is as useful as the useful. More so, perhaps!"
(words of the fictional French bishop in Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables.")
I find this expression so fitting as I read about the Hindu Kumbh Mela festival in Allahabad, the world's biggest religious gathering. Over 100 million devotees come to pray and bathe in holy waters, led by Sadhu, holy men, who join in processions and celebrations throughout this fascinating event in India. The Kumbh Mela is held every 3 years at one of 4 holy sites. Pilgrims believe that their sins will be cleansed in these ritual baths.
   We in the West may think "what is the use?" As I said at the beginning of 2013, if we choose to see beauty; we will see. Then, we can appreciate what is truly useful! May our prayers and thoughts travel across continents with these millions of pilgrims on our similar journey for 'Authenticity.'  Don Ronaldo+

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