Friday, February 15, 2013

Lent - season of renewed hope and faith

                     Lent begins with these powerful words. It is time for stock-taking and soul searching for all Christians - the dying and rising of Jesus and our dying to sin and rising to renewed life in him. Lent takes us out of ordinary, everyday life in order to focus more intently on the ultimate meaning of our lives. When we truly heed the ancient Hebrew prophet Joel and Jesus himself, the Lenten journey can be both communal and private: "Remember you are dust and to dust, you shall return!"  "Render your hearts not your garments."  And St. Matthew says:  "Be on your guard against performing religious acts for people to see."  Now is an acceptable time, a day of salvation!
PRAYER: Use opportunities to pray. Take deep breaths. Rediscover traditional forms of prayer. Find quiet time. Meditate.
FASTING: Rediscover fasting from food. Fasting puts us in touch with the fact that we are not in control. Our fast can include food, TV, music, from picking on the kids, from being ornery, from oversleeping. The whole idea is that we fast from what gives us pleasure in order to make us vulnerable so that God can get at us. Be good when fasting. If fasting becomes a burden, stop.
ALMSGIVING: So many needs, so much selfishness! Help out financially in some charity of choice. God loves a cheerful giver.
       May this LENT be a season of renewed hope and faith in God.

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