Friday, March 22, 2013

Holy Week: ('sera siempre mi alma tuya.') "Lord, my soul will always be yours. You did not die in vain."


  1. "Too often we turn our backs on our values and put our trust in the world" Isn't that what leads to the problems in our life, and the worry. If we would just put our trust in God our worry would not consume us. I will try to remember this!

  2. from a friend: "Jesus never took short cuts." I like these words. I hope that we all learn from Jesus by not taking short cuts in our own lives but doing what is right and just instead. Even though it sometimes means taking the more painful and difficult path, in the final analysis, our efforts will be crowned with joy!
    Mr. M. Ragusinum, March 25th 2013 at 9.31 AM
