Friday, March 1, 2013

Humility is not weakness

   In 1998, as a post-graduate student in Rome, I remembered the late Pope John-Paul praying this beautiful prayer in Italian: "Donaci l'umilta' di riconoscere che noi, non siamo la luce; ma, strumenti della tua luce; non siamo l'amore ma expressioni del Tuo amore." Translated it reads: "Give us the humility of knowing again that we are not the light; but instruments of the Light; that we are not love itself but expressions of your Love, O Lord." Humility is defined as a virtue by which a Christian acknowledges God as the author of all that is good. It is not about 'humiliations'. We don't have to look for humility. Situations in our lives will humble us and can transform us. Then, we can choose to change ways that have been inimical to our spiritual growth.
   Jesus advocated a posture of humility rather than seeking out the highest places of honor. He cautioned in his disciples by these words: "the one who humbles himself/herself will be exalted..." (Luke 14). In Graeco-Roman times the poor and the disenfranchised were looked down upon by those who considered themeselves better. For Jesus, all peoples deserved the same dignity, treatment and opportunity. That challenge is no less appealing for us in our times. Humility's image in our society is too often equated with weakness. This is not the case for ancient writers.
   For St. Benedict, there are 12 steps of humility before one can achieve holiness. One ancient writer, Cassian emphasizes humility 32 times in his work on 'Renunciation'. For those who wish to grow inwardly, he tells us humility always accompanies patience in the spiritual life. Then one has the added pleasure of living with others to achieve this holiness obediently. Christian humility is truly counter culture. We cannot glamorize humility. These wise leaders challenge us to live by values the world rejects. Humility does not make us weak. Like real steps as depicted in my photos of the ancient city of Dubrovnik, we grow stronger by conviction. By depending on God, the author of life, we learn how to become expressions of his love and true instruments of light, reaching out to others.
   Let us climb those steps slowly and surely! Then, we will grow stronger together in humility!                  Don Ronaldo+

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