Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter to all - "see the world differently!"

   The early disciples had to see the world differently when Jesus rose from the dead. Everything for them was totally unique. The Jesus they knew was transformed. He had conquered darkness and he was bodily alive, not a ghost and not a figment of their imagination. They were our first eyewitnesses. His triumph, his Resurrection is ours as well and we have an awesome responsibility to shout boldly: Jesus is risen from the dead, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
   I am reminded of a wise monk I knew who said to me: "Ronaldo, what kind of people do you expect to meet when you leave our monastery?" I replied very innocently: "Brother Bruno, I hope to meet the same kind of people I have met here." Then, he answered: "You will." Bruno was a believer in Jesus who died and rose from the dead just as many millions have believed before us. If we expect to meet the same miserable people and situations we knew before Easter; I can assure you, we will meet them again. But if we believe in the Resurrection, we will see differently. I promise you we will. Of course, there are miserable people: nations/individuals who can dampen our enthusiasm; but we choose to see the world differently as believers. We choose not to remain in a tomb of our own making. We believe Jesus conquered this valley of tears and death itself. We are convinced that it is worthwhile to see the world differently and not with closed minds and hearts. We oppose lies with truth. We will work for justice in the face of human corruption. We say confidently that death does not have the final word.
   Then, again and again with faith, we can say with attentive hearts and minds: Jesus the Christ is truly risen from the dead, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Amen!


  1. Does this mean we see what we want to see? The world is as we believe it is?

    1. The Risen Lord asks us to see our world through his eyes or "differently" if you will. With his eyes, we see the potential for good in every person and situation. After all, the glass is either half empty or half full. So my question: what is your perspective on the world?
      Thanks, Sandy!
