Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Appreciating the customs of others

A Spring festival! At the Temple of Kukulkan, a Mayan serpent deity in Mexico, tourists and locals alike gather to see an illusion formed by the sun touching the pyramid's massive design. A shadow of a huge serpent is seen descending the pyramid. In Chinese mythology, the serpent (dragon) is not seen as evil but as a symbol of vitality, enthusiasm for life. Likewise for the ancient Mayans!
   Their search for the Infinite is a yearning we all have. It cannot be bottled up and tamed. When it is, so much is destroyed within. Perhaps we can learn something from others without judging or condemning them. "That that in us" needs to be fed with good information and teaching. In my humble opinion, when we appreciate the beauty and majesty of the religious customs of others; we are moving in a right direction.

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