Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Peace begins in the mind

"Since war begins in the minds of men; it is in the minds of men that defences of peace must be built." [1945 UNESCO manifesto]
   It is obvious, therefore, that for peace to be effective in our world; it must first start in our minds; move to our hearts before we can flesh it out in the world. I learnt a lot about peace from my own mother who often had to be arbitrator between her 5 sons and her husband. At a young age, I began to value a peaceful home and harmony among my siblings. I sometimes wondered how she managed so creatively. Peace is not so easily achieved. Thanks to our womenfolk, we, men, have benefited much. Unfortunately, many of us are not good listeners and too often, peace escapes us individually and collectively.
   This gift of peace is the central theme of the Bible appearing more than 150 times, 64 times in the Christian Scriptures. Jesus is referred to as the 'Prince of Peace.' Surely, he must have learnt how to be a man of peace from his own mother, Mary. Is it possible for us to become men and women of peace? Can we allow peace to transform our lives? I sincerely hope so. Through gentleness, through faith, through courage, a savior emerged to be a shepherd who followed God's will. As a Christian and as a man of peace, I want to believe I can accept this offer. A peasant girl 2000 years ago answered a simple yes to her God and through her son, Jesus transfixed the world! Her fiat cannot be underestimated. Her son's words have reverberated throughout history: "Peace, I leave you; my peace I give you, a peace that can last." John 14, 27. One individual changed the perspective of a billion people.
   My godchild in this photo at the Trevi fountain in Rome reminds me we can, at least, try. Start in our minds; move to our hearts with a smile and a rose!                                    

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