Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Wisdom word for the New Year 2014:

   My word of life for 2014 is Wisdom. Here is a short explanation of a word of life - I draw my inspiration from ancient pilgrims who sought the spiritual counsel of 4th century Christian monks in the desert. Before leaving the holy man, the pilgrim would simply ask: 
"Abba, Father, give me a word that I may live?" (Holy women also lived in the desert. However, most of the hermits were men.) The holy man would utter a word, sometimes a phrase, which would ignite the seeker to pursue deeper meaning in his or her life.
   I loved that expression: "give me a word that I may live"  and so, I began praying for such inspiration at the beginning of each New Year. My friends liked my annual ritual and would ask me what is the word every year. Sometimes it literally takes a word to change our attitudes or to help us on our spiritual journey. 
   "Wisdom" is my word for 2014.
May we find the wisdom to grow deeper in our individual lives.
May we discover the wisdom to deepen our calm in the midst of turmoils.
May the wisdom of others inspire us to do good.
May the Wisdom of our God give us a spark in 2014.
               Happy New Year from Don Ronaldo & family.

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