Saturday, March 1, 2014

In a dark moment, the eye can see

"In a dark time, the eye begins to see." These words come from a poem entitled, In a Dark Time by Theodore Roethke. I shared them with a friend encountering personal problems. So what exactly do we see or should we see? I surprised my friend with my response: "fairies! angels!" We have forgotten to look with the innocence of children. To see with other eyes is incredibly difficult for us adults. We have become so mechanical, tied to our rational thinking that we have forsaken the world of fantasy and imagination. But how can such flights help us? The simple answer is: "I do not know!" In the early morning, in the dusk or at midnight without the glow of artificial lights, the touch of Mother Nature might actually ease our troubled minds. The stress of modern day life is well known. It increases yearly and does not diminish. The Welsh poet, W.H. Davies reminds us: "we have no time to stand and to stare!" Why bother with the changing seasons when we are either cocooned in our comfortable homes or isolated in our efficient offices? There is no doubt our modern life provides great comforts. Yet, with all the benefits we have received; we are not any happier. To renew our acquaintances with nature is not easy, especially if we are away from its beauty. We can find moments - the wind is still present, the sky does not lose its blue color and the clouds, from my vantage point, are still white. I can dream and celebrate the miracle of life.
   So was my friend inspired by my musings? Yes and No. We still need counselors or else, I would be out of a job. What did I tell her?
"Go braid your hair, wear your 1980's hot pants and smell the roses!" She laughed. That's it! When we hear the voice of God calling us to pay attention; we can trust in our vulnerability. What more can anyone ask? Are there really air, water, fire and earth fairies? I discovered some people actually believe they do exist. From our Christian tradition, do we allow the good angels to speak to us? All the insecurities we face can so easily block our eyes from what is pure, gentle and kind. I wish I could hear those stories again from my youth. From fairies to 'fairy folk,' to the 'world of spirits' - they teach us great lessons in life. In my Caribbean cultural background, I can hear the stories my mother told me. I remember their voices.
   "In any dark time, the eye can truly see!"    +Don Ronaldo

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