Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Mind-in-love-with-God

   Genius cannot be bottled! Here are some wise men of the West. I do not know why they all seem to look alike to me. Perhaps 'genius' makes them brothers. They are examples of "the-mind-in-love-with-God." The variety of their range of knowledge makes each of them unique.
   I would like to mention Thomas Aquinas' teacher, Albert the Great, a 13th century German-born, who encapsulated the genius of these men. He was known as "the teacher of everything there is to know." Here is a list of his knowledge: biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, geography, economics, politics, logic, mathematics, theology, ethics, scripture, philosophy, art. In my lifetime, I met one person, Jerry who had such an enthusiasm for knowledge like these men. For him, all of science displayed beautifully the plan and providence of God. I have never studied science like Jerry. His enthusiasm was infectious whether it was the life cycle of a spider or the shape of the world. I think sometimes we neglect to reflect upon the beauty of the Mind. This is what such great minds teach us. Aquinas defines "Beauty" as "what gives pleasure on sight." There are 3 conditions assigned to Beauty, according to the saint: integrity, proportion and clarity. They highlighted what I remembered in Jerry who reminded me of such salient points. The concept of the "Mind-in-love-with-God" is not often mentioned today. We speak too much about feelings when it comes to God. In this pursuit of the wonder of life, "Beauty" for short, we too can become as passionate as this genius group. There is also the "purgation of the intellect" which requires a removal of all vain, useless and sinful thought. The genius of these men is their humility as well. I recall my friend Jerry whose passion for all scientific knowledge reminded me of these concepts. Though incredibly knowledgeable, he listened carefully. Genius demands active attention.
   May we use the intellect we have received.
   May we strive to be passionate about our work, our studies, our families, our pursuits.
   May we never underestimate the "Mind-in-love-with-God".
        +Don Ronaldo

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