Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Two more "words of life and wisdom" that I treasure

3. Be cheerful, little one
"Allegramente, caro mio!" is the motto of the smiling 16th century Italian saint, Philip Neri. I do not think my great-aunt Eunice had ever heard of this saint. "Be cheerful, little one!" were the words she sometimes echoed to me whenever I cried. I remembered so clearly the first time she said them to me. I was 9 years old and we were travelling by train to the countryside. The train entered a dark tunnel which seemed to go on forever. She repeated: "Be cheerful!" Those consoling words have a magic of their own. I suppose when we enter the dark tunnels of our lives we all need assurances, especially someone who would be at our side. The cheer that is necessary to sustain us must come from a joyful heart. Eunice  instilled in me a pride in our family and background; that, though, we were poor, "we must always rejoice in the good." Joy cannot be bought; but, it would sustain us cheerfully in all adversities of life.

4. "Endurer pour durer" ("Endure in order to last")
I was a monk for 12 years. The very first time I encountered the saintly retired Abbot Adelbert, he said to me: "endurer pour durer." Endure in order to last! "Persevere in whatever you do and whereever life takes you." he urged me, "Pray for this gift." I have tried to keep that focus. Perseverance enables us to grow spiritually. Indeed, a worthwhile venture!             +Don Ronaldo

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