Monday, October 20, 2014

A Wisdom saying on 'The person you need to know the most!' from Prof. Arrien

"One of the great practices is learning to befriend one's self. It is the longest relationship you will ever have. Who are you going to sleep with the most? Talk to the most? Shower with the most? Eat with the most? It is you! And we do not spend enough time really uncovering and discovering the deepest mystery of who we really are, rather than who we think we are." quote from Prof. A. Arrien.
   I like these words from this teacher. The images were sent to me some years ago from a friend in Vancouver. Somehow they harmonize with this wisdom saying, "The person you need to know the most." I think we spend a lifetime getting to know that person and sometimes we do not even try. What a joy it is when we truly befriend that special someone, only to discover he or she was with us all the time! Have a great discovery! Ciao, +Don Ronaldo.

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