Sunday, February 1, 2015

Intrigued by ancient Mayan beliefs

   Mayan images scattered at the Maya Riviera Resort, Cancun, Mexico, describe a proud people and culture. Like all ancient peoples, the Mayans believed that before the creation there was darkness, stillness, silence and emptiness. The word of the gods expressed a desire to create the universe. 
An original cloud in the sky was the first act of existence; followed by a storm that combined water, air and fire. Next the gods created animals with the hope of being recognized and worshiped by them. Speech evolved between the gods and the world.

The creator gods met in council again to model an obedient being out of clay. They first tried with wood; but, it had no soul or understanding. Then, they finally made man from corn and succeeded. 
   Such ancient beliefs have parallels in various cultures around the world. What fascinates me is that their world is alive and personified, emerging with a will and an energy. The lives of ancient Mayan individuals were ruled by sacred forces which in turn required regular offerings to sustain their energy. I do not claim to be any expert on the complexities of their world-views. I am simply awed by the depths of their belief-system before the Spanish came and turned their world upside down. 
   May we learn to appreciate the wisdom of others so different from how we perceive the world.   +Don Ronaldo, 2015.

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