Sunday, April 19, 2015

On a wave of peace with the 'Surfer Angel!'

     "Jesus was really the first surfer because he walked on water!" 
said this surfer, Guido Schaffer from Brazil, pictured here in a 'WSJ' photo. Guido, a 34 year old seminarian, died in a freak accident in 2009. Soon after his death, friends and fellow-surfers began hailing him as a saint. Locals called him, the 'Surfer Angel,' a term that would have surely embarrassed him. 
   Legends have a 'mind of their own,' as my own pious mother would say in our part of the world. Soon news of this devout 'priest-to-be' grew so fast that the local priests began celebrating a monthly mass at his grave-site. So who exactly was this young, enthusiastic Brazilian who loved to spread the gospel through surfing?
   He grew up near Copacabana beach and had been surfing since he was a child. While in medical school, Guido worked alongside a group of Mother Teresa's Sisters at a homeless shelter. He changed the course of his career and decided to pursue studies for the priesthood in the Archdiocese of Rio. He seemed popular among many. His sudden death at age 34 came as a shock to those who loved him for his gentle and compassionate spirit. 
   Men and women, I believe, who follow this call to service appeal to our sense of a loving God. In later years, I am sure much more will be written about this Guido. He is already a 'saint' in many people's minds and hearts.
   As a person who loves the sea, Guido's short and intense life has caught my imagination. I think of 4th century writer, John Cassian, whose writings I have studied. He described the loving soul as a huge harbor, absorbing the tempestuous waves of anger and storms of our lives. I hope Guido intercedes for us when we are caught up in our own inner struggles. In the wide gulf of love, may we truly face those fierce passions with a Christ-like courage of a Guido. May we also reach out to others in their misfortunes and not only focus on our selfish demands.
   Now we know someone on the other side of life willing to surf safely alongside us on a wave of peace! Thanks, Guido!  +Don Ronaldo.

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