Friday, April 1, 2016

Easter Greetings!

A month ago in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, I took these four photos at these sacred spots (above the rock of Calvary and the tomb of Jesus) where, according to the tradition, he was crucified, buried and rose from the dead. It was an awesome moment as we prayed for all our family and friends who could not be with us. We carried them in our hearts and you, our readers as well.
As Christians, we believe Jesus conquered death. We believe that our first early eyewitnesses did not imagine his resurrected body as a figment of their imagination or perhaps, a ghost. Easter means nothing is impossible with God ... that life triumphs over death; love triumphs over hatred; hope triumphs over despair; that suffering is not the last word. In his honor today, we choose to be men and women of hope; to oppose lies with truth; to work for justice in the face of corruption. We strive to be joyful people.
              A Happy Easter to all from Don Ronaldo, Don Milo and 
              our families.
taken on the Sea of Galilee
reflection #231

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