Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A different way of thinking according to Chinese philosopher Mencius

Confucius philosopher Mencius (Mengzi, Chinese born c. 372BC-289BC) advocates thinking not in terms of making decisions but of setting trajectories in motion. I like this concept. From an early start, we are encouraged to plan our lives well. Life situations, however, often alter our plans. A set of circumstances changed my choices in life which propelled me to act immediately. I believe this happens to a lot of people.
Mencius speaks of life as a series of ruptures which lead us from one thing to another. I think he would say to us: Live with an awareness that we are in an ever changing world and we ourselves are constantly shifting our individual perspectives. Perhaps we can train our minds to stay open to various situations that seek new attention. Note too that we are as complex as the world is itself.
   Plans, good or bad, can change our visions of life and bring us to places we never imagined possible. Confucian philosophy focuses on adapting to a trained spontaneity which means working hard to make our possibilities real. I think it is good to be open to and understand the shifts that make for an expansive life. In this manner, we are challenged; thus, leaving little room for boredom.

   Our random thoughts on a summer day!
   Enjoy the journey of life and my summer photos of N. Dakota.   
                   Don Ronaldo in conversation with Don Milo.
                          [for Quanah, Hildah and Tendai].

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