Sunday, January 1, 2017

Wisdom word for the year 2017: "Dance!"

           "Dance yuh dance" is my word of life for 2017.
   I use the Trinidadian 'yuh' instead of 'your' as a reminder of my Caribbean roots. I want to honor my teachers and spiritual guides who saw my potential when I did not have the eyes to see. I am grateful for their encouragement and for the decades I spent as a teacher myself and a counselor to many. 
   In this New Year of many dreams and hopes, we would like to wish all of you every possible success as you dance to the music of 2017. This year, the Chinese celebrate 'the Year of the Rooster' which inspired me with this word, "Dance" as depicted below:
   We remember the words of Saint Benedict at the end of the Prologue in his Rule: 'dance' (sic, 'run') the way of God's commandments with unspeakable sweetness of love.' We are all called to greatness. With God's love, may we arrive at our hidden potential this 2017. Happy New Year, friends. 'R&M'.

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