Saturday, April 1, 2017

"Second chances ... Second acts"

          "Second chances. Second acts. Always God's timing!"  
echoes Reba McIntyre, American country singer. Unlikely words that connect with the wisdom of retired Pope Benedict's views on commitment and love! 
   We need faith and a trust to discern the will of God in our lives. Most of us would prefer not to accept this risk of loving because it poses a huge demand on us. We are not in control. 
   As a Christian, Benedict believes God gives us choices in any second chance. "The drama of history," the retired pope states, "can be reduced to this formula - yes or no to love!" 
   Our plans in life, Benedict, cautions, "never go as we plan." 
But at a given and precise moment, we can make all the difference. 
   "Moving forward is all we can do!" he adds. 
   I think we can and do change our history in second chances or acts. We adopt new attitudes.We make differences. We move forward. That risk chosen is indeed 'God's timing' and the dance of life begins afresh, renewed!

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