Monday, June 6, 2011

Contributing to the art of living

   Henry Thoreau once wrote that the highest of all arts is
"the art of living." He said people who practice this highest
of arts need not be artists in the ordinary sense of the word.
Rather, the ones who practice the art of living are the ones
through the nobility, kindness, generosity of their lives
contribute much to the enrichment of the common good.
There are countless individuals who quietly contribute to
this "quality of the day for others," as the philosopher called it.
This is what, I believe, is meant by trying to be perfect as
God is.
   I recently received two idealistic and beautiful photos of friends
married in the late 70's and early 80's. They seem ageless. I like
to think of them like so many people whom we take for granted as
contributing to this "quality of the day for others." Their youthful
idealism has been tempered by life's pains and joys. Surprisingly,
however, they have still remained idealistic! So many people, like
them, continue to strive to make this world a better place. Such
contributions to "a partnership of life and love, a bond of irrevocable personal consent, a covenant of fidelity" add to this "better place" we all dream about.
   This is the summons of hope,a great virtue!
Wherever we find ourselves and in the complexities
of all our relationships, every contribution to the good is not lost.
In the larger perspective, when we are grounded in the magnitude
of love, faith, justice, our idealism lives on. Neither does it age!
   Teresa of Calcutta often used to say: "Don't worry why problems
exist in the world - just respond to people's needs!"  By choosing to
add our portion to a civilization of love, less is given to a culture of
   A toast to "the art of living" today!  Ad multos anos!

1 comment:

  1. The "art of living", I like it. Sometimes we forget that we are just a flash in the pan in the whole scheme of things. The time that we call a lifetime is but a tiny fraction of what God has in store for us. So to think of our span on earth as a work of art is beautiful. I pray that my piece of artwork will be as pleaseing to God as His masterpiece, Michelle, has been for me. Happy aniversary my bride! And many thanks to my friend, Don Ronaldo!
