Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fire dynamic and powerful!

Fire is dynamic.
Fire is a force and energy.
Fire moves us to new phases.
Fire is change.
Fire brings both creation and destruction.
Fire is powerful.

   I discovered "salamanders" - "fire spirits" who are present wherever there is Fire both seen and unseen.
These tiny fire spirits dance in every flame. Salamanders are highly intelligent spirits and one of their functions is to inspire. They stimulate passion; instill courage, idealism and vision. They become interested in us when we harness our demons, face ourselves and meet the challenges of life. Moses, we are told, had brought the whole of the 12 tribes to the foot of the mountain to encounter God. The mountain was then "wrapped in smoke because the Lord had descended on it in fire" and "the whole mountain shook violently" [Exodus 19, 18]. When we discover names, words take on a different perspective. Imagine the salamanders at this great moment in history! And then, again appearing as "tongues of fire" on the early disciples of Jesus!  Are we still able to harness for God the energies of love, setting fire upon others?  Can we work with the
"fire spirits" for the good? Sadly these wonderful fire spirits have been turned into devils by our culture and its history. They represent fear and shame; doubt and the outcast. We perpetuate horrible images of dragons intent on destruction. The imagery is so powerful.
In myth, the dragon also guards treasure.
In Chinese culture, the dragon is truly valued and seen as benevolent and a gift-bearing creature. As we enter another summer, may we approach fire with great caution.
May the bonfires in our backyards and campgrounds ignite our communal spirits to forge ahead.
May the treasures/gifts we seek and search inflame our hearts,
our families and friends.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if I am on board with the whole 'fire spirit salamander' thing, but I do agree that fire is change, a force to be reckoned with. God's fire is a purifying fire, it burns away the dross and leaves pure gold. If we have no 'gold' in our lives then what will be burnt?
