Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas message to readers

"Regem venturum Dominum, venite, adoremus"
("Come, let us adore the King, the Lord, who is to come.)
May Christmas instill trust in the power of truth and perseverance!
May the light of Christ shine and welcome us anew this season!
Merry Christmas. Feliz Navidad y Prospero ano in felicidad!
       Our God is in the manger, in a place where we least expect him to be! There is a beautiful story of a mighty King who fell in love with a poor country girl. He wanted to win her love freely; so he dressed as a country boy and went in search of the woman. She eventually falls in love with him and only later does he reveal his true identity. We fall in love with the Child wrapped in swaddling clothes and when we see him in the crib; we must also see the 12 year old in the temple at Jerusalem talking to the Teachers. He is the same grown man later in his 30's who will preach the word of God and welcome 12 men to be his apostles. Crowds wanting to welcome and to quench their thirst for Truth will follow him. At every step he will confirm his extraordinary teaching with signs of divine power. He will give sight to the blind, heal the sick and even raise the dead. On this good night, "La Noche Buena," Jesus is God's fulfillment of a promise.
May the redeemer fulfill the deepest longings and yearnings of all our hearts. May our trust in Him keep us persevering in doing good. +Ronaldo & family.

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