Sunday, January 1, 2012

Harmony 2012

May the Lord bless and keep us in His love. Happy New Year
On the first day of the New Year what a wonderful blessing for us to receive! Benedict XVI urges the world to let the peace of Christ reign over nations, families and individual hearts. "How can we fail to notice the strident contrast between the serenity of the Christmas carols and the many problems of the present hour?" he asks us. Standing on the balcony of St. Peter's, the Pope gave his traditional blessing urbi et orbi ('to the city and to the world'). He called for an end to strife in the world and to work for peace and harmony. We will strive to work for that harmony. St. Paul writes: "May the God of endurance and encouragement grant us to think in harmony with one another, in keeping with Christ, that with one accord, we may with one voice glorify our God." (Rm. 15,6) Working in harmony does not come cheaply. We have to work at it constantly in our families, in our schools, in our places of worship, in our world. To harmonize our wills with that of God demands special care. Harmony as the apostle reminds us must come through encouragement and endurance if we are to speak with one voice. Harmony in our individual lives is essential if we want to reach out to others as well. In a wonderful letter to the ancient Corinthians, St. Clement states: "The seasons, spring, summer, fall and winter follow one another in harmony. The tiniest of living creatures meet together in harmony and peace. The great Creator commanded all things to be established in peace and harmony."
     May the words of the wise empower us to do well in all our endeavours. May this gracious God of ours strengthen us with his peace and help us to pursue harmony in 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Can we achieve harmony peacefully? There is so much resistance to harmony. Thank you for your words and Happy New Year!
