Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"Metanoia" - Lenten door to bliss

The annual Lenten journey begins today, Ash Wednesday, in the desert of our choices. These 40 days of prayer, fasting and almsgiving prepare us for Easter on April 8th when spring will be most welcome. Christians are invited to undergo metanoia, conversion; a turning around and moving into the direction of God; a time of renewal. My word of life is 'Harmony.' How do we measure or imitate harmony from God? Opportunities await us. With faith and trust, we can achieve something more in our interior lives. Sincere repentance is desirable if we seek transformation. If we were told that these were our last days on the face of the earth, I am sure many of us would try our best to prepare ourselves for the outcome. In the desert, Jesus fasted and faced his own tempations. He was tested. He endured. He realized his potential. Begin with a renewed enthusiasm. Rediscover bliss, that deep sense of self. Then, doors will open.

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