Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

   On November 25th, a month before Christmas, Christians celebrate "Christ the King." An obscure but important feast that ends the Church Year! A powerful vision and equally daring challenge encouraging believers to allow Jesus to rule our hearts! Thanksgiving appears almost at the same time. Both occasions, though totally different from each other have something in common - Gratitude. In 1925, Pius XI used the un-American image of royalty to depict gratitude to Jesus. In 1941, the US Congress established Thanksgiving as a vehicle for us to show gratitude to God for the nation and to pray for its well-being, thus, cementing a tradition that began in 1625 with the early Patriots and the Native peoples. King George of England, at that time, did not think much of the European settlers on the American colonies. They wanted a different type of leadership shown by example.
   Today as leaders in our own right, we can choose to be "builders of relationships rather than consumers of community." So many people have shown that example for our benefit! That idealism of royalty does not neglect the poor and disenfranchised in our society. We are called to be "co-responsible for the good and growth" of others. I believe this is what gratitude is all about, calling out the good, bringing out the best in each other. If we choose, our God can rule our hearts in a manner that would draw out the good. Thanksgiving brings out the best in us.
In Mt. 25, we find how this "best" can be achieved - "feed the hungry; give drink to the thirsty; clothe the naked; shelter the homeless; visit the sick and imprisoned; bury the dead." [also, called the 7 corporal works of mercy] We have an opportunity to show thanks to all who have sacrificed their lives and contributed so much. Though there are divisions and pain in our world; there is friendship. Where there is friendship; there is love. Where there is love; there is gratitude. And where there is gratitude; there are good people. May our God rule our hearts with love and justice!                                           Happy Thanksgiving from Ronaldo & family. Peace to all.

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