Thursday, November 15, 2012

Celebrating my United Nations family

Celebrating diversity in my United Nations family! As the eldest of our Creole families, I learnt a powerful lesson from our beloved great-aunt Eunice Ribeiro-Albert Fernands. Though unfamiliar with the words of John-Paul II who described family as the place of origin, Tante Eunice once said to me: "Always be proud of your family. Never judge.You've the blood of many races!" Family as the Pope wrote, "is the most effective means of humanizing and personalizing society ... thus, to foster communication, we ought to be examples of respect, justice, love and dialogue." How fortunate for us if we have experienced such! I know I am.
Remembering our beloved ancestors with great affection, esp. my sister Narri who died two years ago on this day. She spent many years in Italy. One of her favourite expressions: "Ogni momento della vita e prezioso." ["Every moment of life is precious."] May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace!

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