Sunday, September 22, 2013

Finding our way home:

The ideal of the philosopher is not to be confined to the narrow territory of science but to be in pursuit of the fullness of meaning and purpose. He or she who travels that path is in quest of the 'elusive blue flower.' This was the symbol created by the ancient poet Novalis, for the yearning love of beauty beyond the finite. In our century, perhaps we have forgotten that search for meaning which has been replaced by a pursuit of happiness. Only meaning gives us the contentment we desire. Thus, we are always 'unterwegs' which means literally, 'on our way.' That way, that walk, that journey is what I like to describe as 'finding our way home.' These two photos are my favourites taken in Croatia and France. They capture the sentiments expressed here. The 'yellow flowers' were taken in the convent where St. Bernadette resided after the apparitions of the Blessed Mother in Lourdes. Her ongoing search for God led her to this convent in Nevers. These gentle yellow petals caught my attention in this beautiful corner of the world. Nevers became her temporary home on earth. Her search for God, I believe, continued there and sufficed. A blue flower? Hers and ours, we will have to wait and see. It exists in that eternal home for which we all aspire.
   That 'heavenly, eternal home' for me, will be where the Infinite resides and where Beauty is limitless.

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