Sunday, September 15, 2013

Homeless - "I did not forget you hidden!"

This photo was taken out by a young Englishman named Josh King who decided to explore homelessness in his area. I find his photos retain the dignity of these persons. For the last couple of years, I have chosen not to bypass or to judge those I see begging on the streets whether it be in the US, UK or Europe. I often hear horrible remarks about those who beg. But I want to believe no-one really chooses to be out in the cold shivering. When you actually talk to such people; you begin to realize how honest they are when you ask direct questions.
   Some years ago when I was studying for my licentiate in theology in Rome; there was a couple who literally slept underneath my window. I struggled with my concept of these two people and so many others begging in the holy city. How was I called to imitate Christ, to be 'in persona Christi'? I did not travel half away around the world to solve Italy's social problems. I often wondered how these folks survived while I immersed myself in studies on spirituality and theology. I had come to the city for one purpose and found myself confronted with so much poverty in the midst of so much wealth.
   In these moments, I discovered what one philosopher describes as "krypsis," the hiddenness, Christ hidden in a situation. Whenever I could; I gave what little money I had or sometimes, just simply, smiled or said hello. I chose not to ignore their presence, the Christ in them. I wished I could have done more. "I was only a student" I argued with myself. But what I learnt was never to ignore the street person's dignity. 
   The homeless, the poor still exist. This photo by a young photo-journalist jolted my memory today. I did not forget!  Don Ronaldo+

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