Thursday, December 11, 2014

Happy Anniversary to 9 Deacons (& their families) on December 11th: "Fall in love; stay in love and it will decide everything!"

     "Fall in love, stay in love and it will decide everything."
            The original quote comes from Pedro Arrupe.
            May we find what motivates us to do the good!
            May our lives resonate with hope and trust!
            May we discover the peace that comes with love!

Happy anniversary on Dec. 11th to these nine deacons, chosen and called by name (Lk. 6, 12) - Randall (Andrew), James (James), John (John), Brent (Philip), Bill (Bartholomew), Malcolm (Matthew), Steve (Thomas), Martin (James) & Gary (Simon).
          "Ad multos annos."
          "We give thanks always for you, remembering you in our prayers, unceasingly calling to mind your work of faith and labor of love and endurance ... knowing you are loved by God." (Thess. 1, 1-5). Be constant in practicing every virtue and especially in imitating the patience of your beloved Jesus, for this is the summit of pure love. So, stay in love with what you love doing and it would truly decide everything for you.
            Peace to all, +Don Ronaldo

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