Saturday, December 20, 2014

Merry Christmas to all family and friends:

May the beauty of Christmas fill us with love and hope.
In this holy season, the drama of the Incarnation is played out: the mysterious union of the Divine Transcendence with the human immanence. (I agree: some fancy philosophical words!) Yes, for us, Christians, the almighty God reached down to our insignificance in an act of utmost graciousness offering us a hand of friendship, joy and eternal redemption. 
      St. Bernard of Clairveaux described this amazing encounter as "the eternal and all encompassing Word of God took on our human nature and became like one of us, in everything but sin." Jesus, the incarnate Son of God, desires to share our joys and sorrows, our hopes and dreams, our anxieties and distress, our ups and downs as an attentive companion on our journey of life. What is more; he wants to change us, transform us and conform us to himself. 
     So here we are again in this beautiful season celebrating and remembering the coming of our God in the person of Jesus Christ in history, mystery and glory. We can be true heralds of good news wherever we find ourselves. In the way we relate to one another; we make a difference in building a more just, humane and peaceful world. 

                     Merry Christmas, friends.

Thanks for reading my words this year.
I appreciate all of you and your kind comments in 2014.
+Don Ronaldo and family.

Peace and Blessings.


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