Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My 2014, the Chinese mythological Year of the Horse came in a flash and will soon disappear!

             2014 reminded me to treasure every moment. I tried often to spend my time well. In my studies, I discovered a 14th century quote from the author of The Cloud of Unknowing and adopted it as part of my philosophy of life. I also love photography and my accidental photo surprised me as I was trying to capture events of my 2014 filled with much travel, marriage/graduation ceremonies and getting to know loved ones better. Here is the quote and my photo above which seem to go hand in hand: 

            Be attentive to time and the way you spend it. Nothing is more precious. This is evident when you recall that in one little moment, heaven may be gained or lost. God, the master of time, never gives the future, only the present, moment by moment

             I hope your 2014, the Chinese Year of the Horse, was memorable for you as it was for me. As an amateur photographer, I am always working with light and light is constantly changing. May the light(s) that we chase in the New Year 2015 find us full of generosity and love as we treasure each moment to come.       

                                             With affection, +Don Ronaldo.

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