Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November 1st and 2nd - we remember our beloved deceased

"For your faithful people, life is changed not ended, when the body of our earthly dwelling lies in death, we gain an everlasting dwelling place in heaven." 
   These powerful words are spoken at every funeral service in the church. They have a haunting spell each time we hear them. Equally are the words of St. Paul, letter 1 Corinthians, chapter 2, verse 9:
"Eye has not seen nor ear heard nor has it entered into the mind of man or woman what God has prepared for those he loves."
  Such reminders on the first and second days of November beckon us never to forget those whom we have loved and have passed on to the other world or lifeafterlife. So why these two images?
   Stone lanterns are part of my Chinese heritage which were originally votive lamps in front of Buddhist temples. In the 13th century, they began serving this function in the precincts of Shinto shrines and found their way into Japanese gardens. Today Ishidore stone lanterns are a common feature of private gardens and these lanterns are often engraved with Sanskrit letters or Buddhist icons. 
   My stone lantern and rocks placed strategically on my balcony serve not only a decorative purpose in summer; but, as a reminder of deceased family and friends. In FallWinter, their beauty covered in snow constantly remind me of those words: "life is changed not ended" and "eye and ear have yet to see and hear what God has prepared for those whom He/She loves."
   May our deceased loved ones never be forgotten in whatever ways you choose. May eternal rest and life be their's and our's one day!

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