Saturday, December 10, 2016

LaughSmile and a word from Tolstoy:

a 1st swing in the dim night light 

a 2nd swing as I look in the mirror

a 3rd swing as I switch on the light
a 4th swing the light hits the puppet
                       a 5th swing and I begin smiling                             
   Each morning I trick myself into laughing or at least, crack a smile when I see my 'jumping puppet' hanging in my bathroom. Some years ago I bought this little smiling item in Croatia, thinking nothing much of it as the years rolled by. Tongue-in-cheek, though, it has saved me much in therapy than the few euros I paid for it. I think we all need something to trigger a moment reminding us where our happiness lies. I remember the wisdom of Tolstoy as I pen these words: "The source of happiness is in your heart. It would be foolish to look for it elsewhere. You would be like the shepherd looking for a lost lamb when all along it was tucked inside his shirt."
   Find something similar to make you smile each morning as you begin your day. A happy moment is around the corner with my winter Prairie sunrise!

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