Friday, March 10, 2017

Lenten meditation: the struggle between good and evil!

   I enjoy different versions of this insightful story, be it between two wolves or two tigers. It is attributed to the Cherokee nation. Here is our first Lenten meditation for the new year:

   Inside each of us resides two powerful animals, always at war with each other. I choose tigers with different colored-eyes. The bad tiger, say with green eyes, represents greed, hatred, fear. The good tiger, say with blue eyes, represents kindness, bravery, love. Good and evil struggle to gain control of our lives. We have a choice. Whoever we embrace will dominate our lives. 
   Who will win the battle within us? 
   Each is so temptingly beautiful. The answer: "the one we feed!"
Peace from Don Ronaldo and Don Milo.

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