Sunday, March 19, 2017

"Mizpah ..." We will not forget you:

"And Mizpah," for he said, "The Lord watch between me and thee when we are absent one from another." (Genesis 31, 49f) 
   The Hebrew word "Mizpah" means 'watchtower' but over the centuries, it has come to connote a deep emotional bond between people separated by distance or death. That 'communion,' I believe, remains 'empty' until we meet them again. In 2016, I lost a number of relatives and friends. Among them are: +Harold La Borde, husband of cousin Kwailan;+Steve Voisin, brother; +George TangPack, cousin; +Audley SueWing, husband of Jean; +George Wieland, husband of Leona; +Douglas Chauvin, father of Lillie Brunet; +Terry Uddenberg, father of Tian; +Father Wendy Vetter; and Franciscan +Sister Genevieve Merrick. We will remember them in prayer as we travel to Rome this week.
   May our "Mizpahs" one day be restored for all those who passed away. Each has a history, etched with wonderful memories in our hearts. They are not forgotten. Three of these people were relatives and here are images of them: cousin Harold, a renowned world sailor and writer; my brother Steve, a US vet and cousin George who was studying in Texas. I miss their enthusiasm and 'joie de vivre,' especially my weekly conversations with Steve.

 May our "Mizpahs" see us through the daily struggles and joys of 
life. May those bonds reign deeply in our hearts. May they rest in peace.
Pilgrimage to Rome March 2017

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