Wednesday, March 1, 2017

"That less traveled road ..." - a Lenten challenge!

In one of his poems, Robert Frost describes his life in these words: "I took the one less traveled road and that made all the difference."
   Drawing into the wisdom of Lent, we are invited to consider "that less traveled road" which Jesus chose: a path of suffering, sacrifice and surrender, "friends" of the virtue of forgiveness. Each of us knows that the road to forgiveness is not an easy choice far less to embrace it. What does it entail: "loving your enemies; doing good to those who hate you; blessing those who curse you; praying for those who mistreat you ... giving to everyone who asks of you and from the one who takes what is yours, do not demand it back." (Luke 6:27-30) I certainly do not pretend to have an easy solution to life's problems and find walking in the footsteps of Jesus an everyday challenge that can be daunting at times. 
   Nonetheless, herein lies the risks of new beginnings, a new month to make a difference on a "less traveled road!"  Peace. Bon chance!

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