Friday, March 1, 2019

"Grateful. Gracious. less Grumpy" - the 339th post on my blog

                                Grateful. Gracious. less Grumpy. 
I hope this means I can be more joyful, the word "joy" with its double-barrel meaning: to be happy for whatever life throws in your path and to be optimistic for the future. 
   First of all, I am truly grateful for all of you who have read my blog for the last decade. It's hard to part ways as 'Google' closes shop. At a time when I needed to express my views; you were there. Thank you. Gratitude has been my focus, the lens by which I view life. Out of that gratitude has emerged a gracious way of living. Graciousness was a nice byproduct that caught me unaware. So what's not to be grateful for in one's life? Family. Friends. Faith.
   I come to being less grumpy. It seems as we get older; we begin to mutter. We lose sight of what we have and not because we are short sighted; it is simply, life weighs us down. Then, our bodies remind us we have to pace ourselves. Our energy truly changes, leading us to becoming increasingly grumpy, not necessarily complainers. Most of us who have been grateful all our lives; are not complainers. And we choose not to get in that mode. I have.
   Friends, again thank you for accompanying me on this journey. I wish each of you well in your lives. Bon Voyage. Adieu. Until. Your brother, Ronaldo.

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