Friday, May 20, 2011

A moment with friends at "Les Deux Magots" in Paris

"Les Deux Magots" is a famous restaurant/cafe in Paris, established in 1873 and restored in 1914. The name is derived from 2 wooden statutes from China which are situated inside the Cafe.
It was the rendezvous for the literary and intellectual elite 
of the city. Famous artists like Pablo Picasso frequented this cafe
and intellectuals like Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre,
Ernest Hemingway and Albert Camus were regulars!
My friends and I stayed there for two and half hours watching the
people passing by as we drank our highly expensive cappuccino
and coca-cola. We were photographed by tourists while enjoying
our anonymity. We were equally curious about patrons and their
all-too obvious bodyguards. We had arrived in this little "put-put"
of a vehicle touring the delights of the city. We certainly had the
attention of everyone, laughing, enjoying the day.
I remember the words of an ancient writer:
"Nemo dat quod nemo habet!"
["You can't give what you don't have!"]
That day we truly gave what we had: "our joie de vivre!"

1 comment:

  1. You should sign up for a picture sharing service like Flickr or Photobucket so we can see the photos anytime. You can set permissions on the pictures so only certain people have access to the photos
