Monday, February 25, 2013

"kintsukuori" in life ... more beautiful than ever!

A friend of mine sent me this image above with its unique explanation. How many people have we met/counseled who have been broken, hurt, betrayed, neglected, forgotten, be they young or old! How many have embraced repair/renewal almost literally in gold or silver of care/compassion! And indeed, in spite of pains, walk and live more beautifully in the embrace of a higher and loving power beyond them! I have a bowl like this. Each time I look at it now; I say, "if you ever fall; you will be kintsukuroied". Take heed of this precious photo during this Lenten season regardless of what life has brought on our plates or in our bowls; know we are still "beautiful for having been broken".
   Smile lovingly as we move forward ...      +February 25th 2013+


  1. How profound... to repair a simple pot of clay, worth nothing, with something more precious. Who would do such a thing? A simple lump of clay can easily be replaced so why would anyone do this?

    Our Lord sees our worth more than the common earth that we are made of, he sees something else and offers his grace or gold to heal our broken souls. How precious a gift he gives such a lump of clay.

  2. Paul Young in his book the "Shack" asked the question over and over in his pain, woundedness and brokenness, "Lord where were you?", and when he came into healing within a 10 year re-formation journey...he then realized that, " the Lord realized how great my pain was, and therefore all 3 members of the Trinity came to help me..."

  3. Your words inspire me! You are so gifted!

  4. Thank you for this.

    Mankind formed from the earth
    The clay matures and is broken
    The Gold of God comes to heal
    His love a perfect Word spoken
