Sunday, August 10, 2014

Buon Ferragosto: A summer moment to enjoy!

                                A summer moment! Buon Ferragosto!

   Summer gives us ample opportunities to relax and enjoy what we have. I am looking at my little potted garden which I created this year. Ferragosto begins after the celebration of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on August 15th. Every Italian, save the very unlucky few is on holiday. I love and applaud such dedication to relaxation for the mind, food, wine! For my renewed spirit, I go to the beach to enjoy all of the above. How I wish the rest of the world would follow! Mama would say, "one has to be thankful for small blessings. Try always to see the brighter side of life!"
   Enjoy your summer moment wherever you find yourself and let us all be thankful for what we have! Enjoy your beach time. Enjoy your gardens.        Ciao, amici!   +Don Ronaldo.

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