Friday, September 5, 2014

"I miss you with the tender 'splangchna' of Christ!"

   Ancient peoples believed the seat of emotions rested in the intestines. When Jesus is moved with compassion in Mark's Gospel (1:38) towards the leper, he reacts from the depths of his soul. "Splangchnizomai" the verb is a gut level reaction. In English we translate the Greek word as "moved with pity". St. Paul tells the Philippians that he misses them from the depths of his soul, from his gut-level, from the "splangchna". I simply like this expression.
"Splangchna" is a translation of the Hebrew "rachamim" which means "the womb of Yahweh." Our English compassion comes from the Latin "pati and cum" which means "to suffer with."
   It shows us how much Jesus loved, from his "splangchna," his "rachamim," his inner depths.   +Don Ronaldo.

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